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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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It's a Wonderful Life

Leslie Goss

On December 1, your Community Foundation of White County honored and celebrated some of White County’s finest!

Our Annual Grants Reception was held at Tippecanoe Country Club and honored both 2020 and 2021 recipients (thank you, Covid!). Award plaques were presented to 52 area nonprofit organizations and schools in support of a wide variety of projects and programs – everything from funds to support mental health and ADA initiatives, purchase of musical instruments, STEM projects, grain bin rescue equipment, ESL classes, playground renovation, shoes for needy children, art murals on downtown buildings, and much, much more!

These grant awards were made from CFWC’s three annual grant cycles, its Women Giving Together Fund grant cycle, Governing Council Member grants, and a proactive grant to address community needs that arose quickly and unexpectedly as Covid turned the world upside down in March of 2020.

Awards in 2020 totaled $85,670 and in 2021, $98,329 – all made possible by generous, visionary people who make general gifts to the Community Foundation, entrusting us to address worthy needs and opportunities that can strengthen and transform our communities.

In total, your Community Foundation of White County disbursed over $262,051 from its many endowments and funds in 2020 and will disburse $304,607 in 2021. In just two years, that’s $566,658 of investment our White County community!

At this time of year, we think especially of our family and friends and how very blessed we are to have them in our lives.

It’s also a wonderful time of year to pause and think about what a wonderful community we live in – and we do! Our libraries, schools, churches, nonprofit and volunteer organizations are staffed and assisted by people who truly care…who see beyond themselves…who believe that their efforts can help make a positive difference.

A Christmas season tradition for many people is watching the 1946 classic movie, “It’s a

Wonderful Life.” (If you haven’t ever seen it, put it on your list!) In it, banker George Bailey learns some precious life lessons from a most unlikely angel named Clarence.

“Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

Clarence’s words ring true in so many ways. Each of us has many opportunities to fill holes in our community…to extend our hand to benefit others.

Your Community Foundation is more than grateful to the dedicated leaders, volunteers,

educators, and donors who share the best of their time, talent, and treasure to help strengthen and transform our White County community.

For more about your Community Foundation, contact Director Leslie Goss at 574-583-6911.


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