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Community Foundation of White County

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Community Foundation Announces $31,631 in Grant Awards

Leslie Goss

The Community Foundation of White County is pleased to announce the recipients of its

annual Women Giving Together Fund grant cycle as well as its Fall 2019 Community Grants

cycle. A total of $31,631 is being awarded from these two funds to support beneficial

projects and initiatives in White County.

“Each of our Foundation grants is a gift of dollars, but more much importantly, represents a true partnership with people and organizations committed to strengthening our community,” commented CFWC Director Leslie Goss. “Every grant cycle reveals inspiring efforts and projects happening in our White County community, and we are honored to be a part of them.”

The five grantees for the Women Giving Together Grant Cycle (total of $10,951) are:

$ 1,826 Boys & Girls Club of White County

Funding to replace flooring in two club member meeting rooms

$ 1,000 Enter the Garden Club (via The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc.)

Update and maintenance of 11 community gardens

$ 2,000 IU Health White Memorial Hospital

For purchase of visitor benches outside Emergency Room

$ 2,625 Junior Achievement serving White County

Support of 2nd grade “Our Community” JA curriculum for Twin Lakes and

Tri-County Schools

$ 3,500 Therapeion Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.

Support of new family support program in collaboration with White County

Department of Child Services

Recipients of our Fall 2020 Community Grants Cycle (total of $20,680) are:

$ 1,250 Boys & Girls Club of White County

Purchase of Growth Mindset and Kindness 5th grade curriculum

$ 2,000 Frontier School Corporation (together with North White and Tri-

County School Corporations)

Continuance of this valuable work ethics/soft skills programming, initial

funding for which was provided by CFWC in 2014

$ 1,500 Monon Civic Preservation Society

For design, fabrication, and installation of new doors for the Monon Theater

$ 1,425 Monon Community Church (on behalf of Celebrating Our Differences)

Funding to support programming and supplies for activities day for

children with disabilities

$ 2,500 Remington-Wolcott Community Development Corporation (on behalf of

Wolcott Main Street committee)

Partial support for post and materials for new Wolcott Community

electronic sign

$ 2,500 Town of Brookston (in partnership with Frontier Rotary Club)

Redesign and beautification of Waugh Trust Park along Third Street

$ 4,505 Twin Lakes School Corporation (for TLHS Earth Science Department)

Purchase of 15 Virtual and Augmented Reality sets, cart and charger

$ 5,000 White County Council on Aging

Support of programming and services

Women Giving Together Fund Grants are supported by donations to CFWC to benefit the WGT Fund. Half of each gift is placed into the WGT Endowment Fund; the remaining half is placed in the WGT grants fund for the following year.

Community Grants are made possible by general donations to the Foundation placed into the Foundation’s Community Grants Fund, as well as by disbursements from other discretionary (unrestricted) funds created by generous donors. Grants are awarded through a process that includes an application, review by a Grants Committee, and approval by the Governing Council.

In 2019, CFWC awarded over $295,000 in grants from its many funds, all made possible by individual donors who believe in White County and want to help it grow and thrive.



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